
何秀青 教授兼管理學院副院長兼科管所所長

何秀青教授 最高學歷:荷蘭恩多芬科技大學科技管理博士



研究室:TR-821 #3726

Office hour:週四 12:30 ~16:30 (請預約)


  • 國立臺灣科技大學科管所 教授
  • 財團法人台灣經濟研究院研三所副研究員
  • 荷蘭 Eindhoven Centre of Innovation Studies 研究人員


1. Ho, M.H.C., (2022), Evolutionary network of business models studies and applications in emerging economies, The Singapore Economic Review, 67(3), 1005-1028, doi.org/10.1142/S0217590820550012(SSCI).

2. Cho, R. L-T, Liu, J.S., & Ho, M.H.C. (forthcoming), “Exploring a Patent’s Essentiality to the HEVC Standard: A Retrospective View,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3111963.(SSCI)

3. Ho, M.H.C. (2021), “The swift knowledge development path of COVID-19 research: the first 150 days,” Scientometrics, 126, 2391-2339. (SSCI/SCI)

4. Cho, R. L-T., Liu, J.S., & Ho, M.H.C., (2021) The development of autonomous driving technology: perspectives from patent citation analysis, Transport Reviews, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2021.1879310 (SSCI/SCI)

5. Hsu, W.-T., Chen, H.-L., & Ho, M.H.C., (2020), “CEO Tenure and R&D investment: founders vs. agents and the Role of independent directors”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(10), pp. 1209-1222. DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2020.1757637 (SSCI)

6. Liu, J.S., Lu, L.Y.Y., & Ho, M.H.C., (2020), “A note on choosing traversal counts in main path analysis,” Scientometrics, 124(1), 783-785

7. Liu, John. S., Lu, Louis Y. Y., & Ho, M.H.C., (2019) “A few notes on main path analysis,” Scientometrics, 119, 379–391.(SSCI/SCI)

8. 何秀青*, & 蕭宇崴, (2019) “手機外型設計的演變與專利網絡,” 管理與產業論壇, 21(4), 4-28 (TSSCI).

9. Liu, John S., Ho, M. H.C., & Lu, Louis Y.Y. (2017) “Recent Themes in Social Networking Service Research”, PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170293. (SCIE)

10. Ho, M. H.C.,* Liu, John S., & Chang, K. (2017), “To include or not: The role of review paper in citation-based analysis”, Scientometrics. 110(1), 56-76. (SSCI/SCI)

11. Ho, M. H.C.* & Liu, Even Y., (2016), “Network resource, regional cluster, and technical position”, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 14(4), 502-513. (SSCI)

12. Chung, Y.-S., Ho, M. H.C., Huang, S.-J., & Liang, S.-W., (2016) “The Knowledge Discovery of the Nuclear Power Issue Using the Artificial Intelligence Model: An Example of the CART and the SVM”, Journal of Internet Technology, 17(6), pp. 1071-1082. (SCIE)

13. Cho, Rico L.T., Liu, John S. & Ho, Mei H. C., (2016) "What are the concerns? Looking back on 15 years of research in cultural and creative industries." International Journal of Cultural Policy, 24(1), 25-44. (SSCI)

14. Ho, M. H.C.*, Liu, John S. & Kuan, M. C.-H., (2016) “Torn between Academic Publications and University–Industry Collaboration”, Research Evaluation, 25 (2): 151-160. (SSCI)

15. Liao, W-C., Tseng, C.-C. & Ho, Mei H.C.* (2015) “The effects of integrating innovative resources on organisational performance: the moderating role of innovation life cycle”, International Journal of. Technology Management, 67(2/3/4), 215–244. (SSCI/SCI)

16. Liu, J. S., Lu, W. M., & Ho, M. H. C. (2015). National characteristics: innovation systems from the process efficiency perspective. R&D Management, 45(4), 317-338.(SSCI, 42/116 in Business category; 61/174 in Management category; 2012 IF: 1.58; 5-year IF: 2.23)

17. Liu, J. S.*, Chen, H.-H., Ho, M. H.C., Li, Yu-Chen, (2014, Dec) “Citations with Different Levels of Relevancy: Tracing the Main Paths of Legal Opinions,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 2479-2488. (Paper online; SCI/SSCI, 10/85 in Information Science & Library Science category, 2012 IF: 2.005; 5-year IF:2.159)

18. Ho, M. H.C.*, Lin, V., and Liu, J.S. (2014) "Exploring Knowledge Diffusion among Nations: A Study of Core Technologies in Fuel Cells", Scientometrics,100(1), pp 149-171(SSCI/SCI, top 7/85 in the Information Science & Library Science category; DOI: 10.1007/s11192-014-1265-z; 2012 IF: 2.133; 5-year IF:2.207)

19. Ho, M. H.C.*, Liu, J.S., Lu, W-M., and Huang, C.C., (2014) “A New Perspective to Explore the Technology Transfer Efficiencies in U.S. Universities,” Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(2), 247-275. (2014) (SSCI, 54/174 in Management category, DOI 10.1007/s10961-013-9298-7; 2012 IF: 1.69; 5-year IF: 1.84)

20. Chen, H.L*, Ho, M. H.C., Hsu, W.T., “Does Board Social Capital Influence CEOs’ Investment Decisions in R&D?” R&D Management, 43(4), 381-393. (2013) (SSCI, 42/116 in Business category; 61/174 in Management category; 2012 IF: 1.58; 5-year IF: 2.23)

21. Ho, M. H.C.* and Liu, J. S. “The Motivations for Knowledge Transfer across Borders: The Diffusion of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology,” Scientometrics, 94(1), 397-421. (2013). (SSCI/SCI, top 7/85 in the Information Science & Library Science category; 2012 IF: 2.133; 5-year IF:2.207)

22. Liu, J. S., Lu, L.Y.Y. and Ho, M. H.C. (2012) Total Influence and Mainstream Measures for Scientific Researchers, Journal of Informetrics, 6(4), 496-504.(SSCI/SCI, top 15% journal in the Information Science & Library Science category)

23. Ho, M. H.C. and Liu, J. S. (2012) The Motivations for Knowledge Transfer Across Borders: The Diffusion Of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, Scientometrics, DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0705-x. (SSCI/SCI,)

24. 黎綺雯,何秀青,林欣吾(2011), 從雙邊巿場觀點看政府補助育成中心的政策方向, 中小企業發展季刊, 20, pp.147-170

25. Ho, M. H.C. (2009), “How Regional Innovation Systems play a relative competitive role within Knowledge Networks” European Planning Studies, 17(12),1881-1907.(SSCI)

26. Ho, M. H. C. (2007). Explaining subsidiaries' knowledge-diffusion behaviours within MNEs. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2(2). 220-240.

27. Ho, M. H. C. & Verspagen, B. (2006). The role of national border and regions in knowledge flows. In N. Lorenz & A. Lundvall (Eds.), How Europe’s Economies Learn, UK: Oxford University Press.


  1. Lawby, Edison, Ho, MHC, & Liu, J.S., (2022), “How an author network influence knowledge development: CRISPR as an example,” Asialics Conference 2022, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  2. Chang, Y. H. & Yeh, Y. J., Ho, M., Lee, H. Y. 2019. Exclusive and inclusive talent management: Preferred fit with organization transformation strategy. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
  3. Ho, M. H.C. (2019), “Explaining the emerging research themes in UIC field at a bibliometric perspective,” UIIC conference Helsinki, Finland, 2019.
  4. Cho, R.L.T., Liu, J.S., & Ho, M. H.C., (2019) “Autonomous Vehicle Technology Development: A Patent Survey Based on Main Path Analysis,” PICMET Conference, Oregon, USA.
  5. Ho, M. H.C., Cheo, Harnying, and Alghananim, Amany Saleh Moh’d (2018), Exploring the scientific knowledge path of GMO studies in social view, Schumpeter ISS Conference 2018, Seoul, Korea.
  6. Cho, R.L.T., Liu, J.S., & Ho, M.H.C., (2017) “Identifying Potential Valuable Patents Based on Standard Essential Patent (SEP): The Case of HEVC,” IAMOT Conference 2017 May, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Ho., M. HC. & Liu, J.S (2017) “Exploring the patterns of U-I strategies in U.S. universities,” Bologna East Meets West Workshop, 2017 June, Bologna, Italy.
  8. Liu, J.S., & Ho, M. H.C. (2017), “Smart Innovation A consolidated framework for innovation associated with environmental sustainability”, IAMOT 2017 Vienna conference, Vienna, Austria.
  9. Ho, M. H.C. & Yang, K. (2016), "Explaining Knowledge Flows in Social Enterprise Research Community," R&D Management Conference 2016, Cambridge, UK.
  10. Ho, M. H.C., & Cheo, H. (2015), " Who matters the knowledge interactions in a technological innovation system? Case of GMO technologies" R&D Management Conference 2015, Pisa, Italy.
  11. Ho, M. H.C., and Cheo, H.(2014), “Analyzing the brokerage roles of stakeholders in technological evolution network - The study in GMO plant technologies, PICMET 2014, Kanazawa, Japan.
  12. Ho, M.H.C., Lai, Y.M., and John S. Liu(2013), Exploring the role of service innovation in national innovation system on an efficiency perspective, Asialics 2013, Tokyo: GRIPS, 2013.
  13. Ho, M.H.C., & Even Liu, (2012), "Inter-firm Networks and the Forces to a Leading Position in the Knowledge Network", EIBA 2012 Sussex University, UK.
  14. Ho, M. H.C., Lee, Alger and Yee-Man Lai (2012), Innovation in KIBS: Lessons from University-Based Business Incubation Center in Taiwan, CSSI in 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Poland.
  15. Ho, M.H.C., Liu, J.S., Lu, W-M., and Huang, C., (2012), “A New Perspective to explain the efficiencies of technology transfer in US Universities,” 2012 IAMOT Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  16. Ho, M. H.C. & John S. Liu (2011), “Knowledge Brokerages across Borders - The Diffusion of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Methodology,” DIME final Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  17. Lai, Y.M. & Ho, M.H.C.,(2010) “Explaining the Relationships between Technology and Industry Life Cycle and S&T policy Development –Taiwan and Canada,” 7th Asialics, Taipei, Taiwan.
  18. Ho, H.C., (2008), “Subsidiary diffuse knowledge, or not?” (ICMIT 2008, IEEE 4th International Conference), Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  19. Ho, H.C., (2006). Explaining R&D Behaviours of MNEs in European Regions. ECIS-Utrecht joint conference, TU/e Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
  20. Ho, H.C., (2006), “The Hierarchical Relationships between RISs-How specific RISs gain higher position in European knowledge network,” INFER-Research conference, June, Belgium.


  1. 曾育慧 & 何秀青 (2022), 從智慧電網知識網路探索未來政策走向, 2022 科管年會暨論文研討會,台北:國立台灣大學。

  2. 鍾維苓 & 何秀青 (2022), 能源轉型:風力機的知識流動與產業網絡, 2022 科管年會暨論文研討會,台北:國立台灣大學。

  3. 謝佩薰 & 何秀青 (2021), 企業永續:知識脈胳與整合性架構, 2021 科管年會暨論文研討會,台中:東海大學。

  4. 劉家妤 & 何秀青 (2021), 銀髮產業的創新會:學術焦點演化的分析觀點, 2021 科管年會暨論文研討會,台中:東海大學。

  5. 田鈺彤 & 何秀青 (2021), 數位科技於教育領究之主脈與應用潛能, 2021 科管年會暨論文研討會,台中:東海大學。

  6. 郭庭伃 & 何秀青 (2021),以非監瞖式機器學習技術探討全球化下的大學發展策略, 2021 科管年會暨論文研討會,台中:東海大學。

  7. 蕭羽仙 & 何秀青 (2021), 探討創業研究趨勢之比較性研究:引證關係vs. 字詞分析, 2021 科管年會暨論文研討會,台中:東海大學。

  8. 游淨伃 & 何秀青 (2020), 探討大學新創績效與區域發展之重要性 - 以美國大學為例, 2020 科管年會暨論文研討會,新竹:國立交通大學。

  9. 楊宛蓉 & 何秀青 (2019),製造轉型知識網絡與發展軌跡之研究,2019 科管年會暨論文研討會,桃園:龍華科技大學。

  10. 張軒豪 & 何秀青,(2018),台灣流行音樂圈合作網絡分析:以90年代為例,2018 科管理年會暨論文研討會,高雄:高雄義守大學。

  11. 郭芷綾 & 何秀青 (2017),智慧科技發展與產業網絡分析 — 以網路安全專利為例,2017 科技管理年會暨論文研討會,台北:政治大學。

  12. 蘇靖婷 & 何秀青 (2016),農業科技智慧化趨勢 — 以監控與感測專利為例,2016 年科技管理年會暨論文研討會,台中:亞洲大學。

  13. 蒙杜巴雅 & 何秀青 (2016),工業設計創新趨勢 — 以汽車改裝套件設計專利為例,2016 年科技管理年會暨論文研討會,台中:亞洲大學。

  14. 楊順涵 & 何秀青 (2015),創新營運模式之崛起:探討社會企業研究之焦點議題,2015 科管年會研討會,新竹:清華大學。

  15. 林倢伃 & 何秀青 (2014),談交易成本理論對國際企業研究之應用與演化,管科學會 103 年年會暨研討會,台北。

  16. 張莉翎 & 何秀青 (2014),創業研究之發展趨勢與演變,2014 科管年會,新竹:中華大學。

  17. 林序丞, 何秀青 (2013),探討線性馬達之技術軌跡與全球專利佈局,2013 科管年會,高雄第一科大。

  18. 林弘博, 何秀青 (2012),知識擴散 — 以燃料電池為例,科管年會 2012 年,中壢:元智大學。

  19. 黎綺雯, 何秀青, (2011),服務經濟下的創新系統成長策略,2011 科技政策與前瞻創新研討會,台北。

  20. 戴彗紋, 何秀青, 王睦鈞 (2011),探索產業創新系統之創新能耐與策略定位 — 以機械設備製造業為例,2011 科技政策與前瞻創新研討會,台北。